Saturday, June 5, 2021

Article (a,an,the,no article) Exercise with Answersheet


  1. He is ........ university professor.
  2. The workers have formed ...... union.
  3. Here is ......... egg.
  4. He is .... M.A. in English.
  5. I want to purchase ........ H.M.T. watch.
  6. He gave the beggar ..... one-rupee note.
  7. This is ....... usual sight.
  8. This is ...... useful medicine.
  9. We shall stay in ....... hotel.
  10. There is .........  hospital in our colony.
  11. He reached there ........ hour late.
  12. I have to make ...... humble proposal.
  13. This is ...... honorary job.
  14. My brother is ..... M.P.
  15. He is strong like ...... ox.
  16. ..... boy is waiting for the paper.
  17. He wrote ...... article for the paper.
  18. There is ....... inkpot on the table.
  19. She has .... beautiful toy.
  20. I take .... egg every morning with breakfast.
  21. I saw ..... large lion in the zoo.
  22. ..... elephant has a long trunk.
  23. ..... hungry lion would attack.
  24. ..... duck swims on water.
  25. .... eagle is a bird of prey.
  26. My father is ...... doctor.
  27. His brother is ...... M.L.A.
  28. He has become ...... great man.
  29. He is .... very industrious student.
  30. Shakespeare is ... renowned dramatist.
  31. This is ..... ancient monument.
  32. He lives in .... old ancestral house.
  33. My teacher is .... poet and ...... novelist.
  34. ..... poet and ..... novelist write differently.
  35. He is .... honest and .... dependable man.
  36. There can be no friendship between ... clever and ..... selfish man.
  37. Iron is .... useful metal.
  38. He always speaks.... truth.
  39. ...... sky is overcast.
  40. I first saw the Himalayas....... year ago.
  41. ..... Ganga is ...... sacred river.
  42. She is ..... untidy girl.
  43. I bought ...... pen, ..... inkpot and ..... pencil.
  44. Let us discuss ..... problem seriously. 
  45. What ...... piece of work is man!
  46. He scored ..... highest marks.
  47. John, ........ Manager of the factory, has gone on ..... tour.
  48. He reads ...... Bible twice in ...... day.
  49. He was driving the car at 80Km .... hour.
  50. March is ...... third month of the year.
  51. Which is ........ nearest station from here?
  52. It is ....... sheer delight to talk to him.
  53. French is ..... difficult language.
  54. ..... Indian is ..... good host.
  55. You are ....... honourable person.
  56. ....French are more fashionable than .......... Germans.
  57. Bombay is ...... very expensive city.
  58. I bought .... pen, ....... inkpot, and ........ pen stand from this shop.
  59. I first saw ...... Taj ..... year ago.
  60. Your watch is ....... hour late.
  61. It is .....honour to be his follower.
  62. Draw ..... map of India.
  63. The guide knows ..... way to the caves.
  64. Let us consider ...... whole matter from ...... begning.
  65. ...... Bible is ..... holy book.
  66. What is ..... best solution of the problem?
  67. ..... sky is quite clear today.
  68. ....... Punjab is ...... prosperous state.
  69. Mahatma Gandhi was hailed as ........ father of ..... country.
  70. Read ........ sixth chapter carefully.
  71. I have ........ liking for this kind of dress.
  72. He is in ......... hurry to go.
  73. He looks as stupid as ......... owl.
  74. I bought ........ horse, ....... ox and ......... buffalo.
  75. The guide knows ...... way.
  76. Honest men speak ..... truth. 
  77. Copper is ........ useful metal.
  78. He is ......... honor to his country.
  79. The children found ........ egg in the nest.
  80. English is .......... easy language.
  81. .......... sun shines brightly.
  82. French is ......... language of ........... people of England.
  83. Rohit is ........ untidy boy.
  84. I have come without ........ umbrella.
  85. .......... lion is ........... king of beasts. 
  86. Cylon is ......... island.
  87. India is ......... home of the tiger.
  88. I suppose he has .......... home.
  89. ........ India of today differs from ............ India of yesterday.
  90. He is not .......... Mr. A.K. Verma whom you know.
  91. ........ Apple cart is ........... historical novel.
  92. ..... boy met ........ man with ............ elephant ......... and boy saw...... man feed ...... elephant.
  93. .......... traveller followed ...... path though ....... forest and came to ....... bridge over ....... river and was glad to leave ......... path through ........ forest behind him.
  94. ......... one eyed man was standing at the gate.
  95. Mr. Gupta is ............ M.P.
  96. Mr. Munna Shukla is ........... M.L.A.
  97. ......... man is ....... intelligent creature.
  98. Mohan is ........... honest boy.
  99. He will return after .......... hour.
  100. ......... owl is ....... bird.
  101. Mr. Dash is ........... engineer.
  102. Buxer is ......... historical town.
  103. Rene is ......... university student.
  104. He is .......... M.A.
  105. He reads in ......... H.E.School.
  106. Akshay is ........ open-minded man.
  107. This is .......... honorable act.
  108. ......... dog is ..... animal.
  109. You can write on ........... black-bord.
  110. is England ........ island?
  111. Jyoti is ........ untidy girl.
  112. .......... Varanasi where he was born, is dirty city.
  113. ............. beauty at ........ Taj on the full moon was beyond description. 
  114. ......... Times of India is ........ popular daily newspaper.
  115. ....... life he lives here is hard.
  116. .......... pens that are on the are mine.
  117. This is ........ best that he can do.
  118. ........ U.S.S.R is a socialist country.
  119. Ram is ........ best boy in his class.
  120. ......... poor are happy.
  121. This is ....... book that you promised  to lend. 
  122. ......... sun rises in .......... east.
  123. .......... sun sets in ......... west.
  124. Is ......... Bible a holy book?
  125. Mr. Bush is ....... European.
  126. It is ........... east task. 
  127. Which is .......... highest mountain in India?
  128. I bought ........ umbrella yesterday.
  129. ......... Mahabharata is a religious book.
  130. Mr. Prashant has read ......... Vedas.
  131. .......... Himalayas lie to the north of India.
  132. ....... Gangas falls into ....... Bay of Bengal.
  133. The sailors went to ........... Arabian sea.
  134. Srinagar is situated to ......... north of Delhi.
  135. Apples are sold by ....... dozen.
  136. Do not harass ........ down-trodden.
  137. Kalidas is known as ....... Shakespeare of India.
  138. Kashmir is ....... Switzerland of India.
  139. ....... French have offered to help India.
  140. Turn to ......... left.
  141. Do not make ......... noise.
  142. He can play on ......... violin. 
  143. I shall be back in ........ hour.
  144. It is ......... unit of measurement.
  145. He is ........ honest worker.
  146. She is ......... intelligent student.
  147. Mr. Sinha is ........ M.P.
  148. Go up .......... stairs. 
  149. Switch on ......... light.
  150. He is now .......... old man.
  151. .......... stitch in time save snine.
  152. It is .............. hour's distance from here.
  153. Two men were seen in ........ old year.
  154. Why do you want .......... day's leave?
  155. ......... sick dog died yesterday.
  156. Do not be in such ........ hurry.
  157. Dry these boots in ....... sun.
  158. We broke up on ......... fourth of July.
  159. ........ bird in hand is worth two in bush.
  160. These pencils cost one rupee .......... dozen.
  161. .......... minute you came, he ranoff.
  162. Ink is ......... useful article.
  163. The Ganges is ......... sacred rive.
  164. It was ......... unique sight.
  165. Put off ........ light.
  166. He is ............. Daniel in wisdom.
  167. He is ........... army officer.
  168. What .......... awful sight it is!
  169. I always speak ........ truth.
  170. Five weeks is ...... long absense.
  171. It is ......... unique opportunity.
  172. .......... bird can fly high in ........ sky.
  173. ........ friend of mine is expecting.
  174. I'm not ....... wage-earner; I'm ........ self-employed man.
  175. I'll pay you ....... hundred ...... week. It's not ....... enormous salary but after all you are ........ completely unskilled man.
  176. ........ youngest boy has just started going to school;  .......... eldest boy is at ......... college.
  177. During ......... meal he talks about .......... garden and she tells him ........ village gossip.
  178. Mr. John first went to ........ sea in a Swedish ship, so as well as learning ........... navigation he had to be .......... Swedish.
  179. ........ married couples with their children often rent .......... cottages by ...........  seaside for ........ summer holidays.
  180. Peter thinks that this is quite .......... cheap restaurant.
  181. There'll be a conflict between ........ young and ............ old ............ young people want .......... things to stay ........ same.
  182. Please give him ........... umbrella. 
  183. We hear the news on ......... radio but we watch the news on ........ television.
  184. She works eight hours ......... day, six days ............. week.
  185. Mr. Shinha had ........... sandwich and ........ apple for lunch.
  186. There is  ............ fear that he  has been murdered.
  187. I went to ......... church to see the stained glass but my friend goes to ....... church sometimes to give lectures.
  188. I was invited to ........ dinner given to welcome the new Ambassador.
  189. I hit ........ thumb with a hammer when I was hanging the picture.
  190. The bullet struck him in ....... foot.
  191. When the police caught the child, ........ mother in her cried out.
  192. Suddenly ........ bullet struck ....... street lamp to Bill's left. He looked up and saw ...... man with ..........gun standing at ...... open window.
  193. Someone threw ....... egg which struck the speaker on ........ shoulder.
  194. He is ........ thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn't lift a finger to help any one.
  195. You have been ...... great help to me; one day I will repay you.
  196. ........... man I met on the train told me ....... rather unusual story.
  197. ......... women are expected to like babies.
  198. ...... death of the Prime Minister left his party without ........ leader.
  199. He is ....... honorary Principal.
  200. Please, give me ....... ink-stand.
  201. She hopes to go to ........ university.
  202. Is there anyone in ......... kitchen?
  203. ......... post office is half a kilometer from here.
  204. ........U.S.A. is great country.
  205. .......... Koran is an epic.
  206. .......... Modern language review is good magazine.
  207. ......... Himalayan Queen runs from Delhi to Simla each day.
  208. He is learning ........ chinese language.
  209. At last .......... mother in her was thoroughly aroused.
  210. This is ......... most useful book on the subject.
  211. ........ sun moves round ........ earth.
  212. He met with .......... accident. He lost ........ purse and .......... watch in .......... accident..
  213. ............. honest man is ......... noblest work of God.
  214. Yesterday I saw ......... one-eyed man crossing ......... road.
  215. It is ........ watch.
  216. Akbar was ......... wise king.
  217. .......... more one has ............ more one wants.
  218. ........ poor depends on ........ rich.
  219. Ram was wounded in ....... leg.
  220. He looks as stupid as ....... owl.
  221. I first met him ........ year ago.
  222. ............ college will shortly close for the holidays.
  223. English is not ......... easy language.
  224. My friend returned after .......... hour.
  225. Honest men speak .......... truth.
  226. Aladdin has ........ wonderful lamp.
  227. He returned after ....... hour.
  228. Which is ......... longest river in India?
  229. Today ........... European called at my office.
  230. I got ........ hundred pens.
  231. The children made ....... noise in the class.
  232. He is ............ B.A. and his sister is ......... M.A. of .... university.
  233. This is ........ useful thing for ........ traveller.
  234. Always speak ........ truth.
  235. He told ....... lie.
  236. ......... large number of cattle are grazing in that field.
  237. ......... magistrate and ........ collector were coming.
  238. .......... number of boys in increasing.
  239. He wrote ....... very good letter.
  240. He is ...... best friend of mine.
  241. I saw ........... elephant coming towards me.
  242. .......... dog is .......... four - footed animal.
  243. Give me three rupees and .......... half.
  244. He goes on .......... foot.
  245. ......... gold of America is valuable.
  246. ........... Saraswati is holy river.
  247. He is .......... best player of the team.
  248. Kolkata is ....... big city.
  249. She arrived in ............ Bangkok yesterday.
  250. ......... cars can be dangerous.


  Channel name ðŸ‘‰            Online study (SKI)

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Have / Has worksheet with answer PDF

                              Have & Has 

  1. I ........... a car.
  2. They ......... a new Hindi teacher.
  3. Do they ........... books?
  4. Those two girls both ............. good skills.
  5. Many poor people ............. no money to spend.
  6. He .......... a plan.
  7. Doesn't she .......... a basket?
  8. The child ........ brown eyes and dusky skin tone.
  9. You ............ my heart.
  10. My roommate .......... such a bad temper.
  11. We ........... their car.
  12. The rooms all .......... black fans.
  13. You never ........ breakfast in the morning.
  14. Do you ......... a dog?
  15. I ............ something for you.
  16. They don't ........... books to read.
  17. Do you ......... selfie stick.
  18. An elephant ........ four legs.
  19. Do you not ............ laptop.
  20. We ........... many planters.
  21. She ........... new dress.
  22. Manas ............ his old car.
  23. They .......... their own team.
  24. Does she .......... your pen.
  25. You do not ............. time for me.
  26. He does not .......... time to go.
  27. Does Mansi ......... a doll.
  28. Anushka ............ beautiful study room.
  29. Doesn't he ........... by cycle?
  30. I do not ........... pitcher.
  31. You .......... a bike.
  32. My work......... been finished.
  33. I .......... a pet. 
  34. They ......... a sports trainer.
  35. My brother ........... a new mobile.
  36. The boys .......... a lot of homework to do.
  37. Do you not ......... a master bedroom?
  38. The girls .......... brought their books.
  39. He does not ........ a big house in the city.
  40. Suresh ......... a bottel.
  41. Prachi does not .......... a look at me.
  42. Amardeep ........ a good idea about this.
  43. Don't you ......... tiny house in Nainitaal?
  44. She ........ a beautiful face like doll.
  45. I don't ......... a big house.
  46. Doesn't she ....... a computer?
  47. We ........ a plan for this weekend.
  48. He does not ........... time for her.
  49. Do you ......... any idea about it?
  50. All my friends........ gone.
  51. Mr. Shyam ............. a good news for you.
  52. Pinky does not .......... your ID proof.
  53. Does Sanky ........... good story book?
  54. Sona doesn't .......... my basketball.
  55. Do you think, don't you .......... a good decision?
  56. I don't ........ nothing to say.
  57. She ........... a impressive communication skill.
  58. Do they not ........... a bowl set?
  59. Don't we ........ hockey stick?
  60. Doesn't she ...... her own house.
  61. Miss Anupriya .......... a bright future. 
  62. She ......... very much knowledge about it.
  63. Does he ......... a good book to read?
  64. Do I not ........ this?
  65. They ........... no idea, how to cook it?


  Channel name ðŸ‘‰            Online study (SKI)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

100+ Daily Life English Questions and Answers in ENGLISH

                             Daily life Q&A 

  1. Are you ready?
  2. How much money do you have?
  3. What's the time by your watch?
  4. When will he be back?
  5. Are you listening me?
  6. What are you eating?
  7. Are you feeling hungry?
  8. Anything else?
  9. What would you like to take tea or coffee? 
  10. Are you student/mad/ crazy?
  11. How to start?
  12. Are you sick?
  13. Are you angry with me?
  14. Are you sure?
  15. Can you hold this?
  16. Do you speak English?
  17. Do you understand?
  18. How are you?
  19. How did you do this?
  20. When will you go?
  21. How is she?
  22. What would you like to eat today?
  23. May I come in?
  24. Where do you live?
  25. How many brothers do you have? 
  26. Did you like it ?
  27. How was your weekend?
  28. Are you coming here or not?
  29. Why you want this?
  30. How much does it cast?
  31. When to go?
  32. How does it taste?
  33. What is today's date?
  34. How old are you?
  35. Is it OK now?
  36. What does this mean?
  37. Is she sleeping?
  38. How many rupees do you have?
  39. Are you saying anything?
  40. Is this today's paper?
  41. When are you leaving?
  42. May I use your book?
  43. Whose book is this?
  44. How tall are you?
  45. Do you want to go out?
  46. What is the color of your plate?
  47. Is there any hospital near here?
  48. Shall we go for a walk now?
  49. Where are you going?
  50. Is Riya coming alone?
  51. Could you complete this by 4 O'clock, please?
  52. Who broke the chair?
  53. Are they coming?
  54. Did you pass?
  55. Will you give your pen?
  56. Did it hurt?
  57. Could I ask you one personal question?
  58. When is your birthday?
  59. Shall we eat out tonight?
  60. Why are you crying?
  61. Is something wrong with you?
  62. What are you doing here?
  63. Can you wait a few minutes?
  64. Do you know her?
  65. Would you like to take another piece of cake?
  66. Have you any idea about it?
  67. Did you bring my book with you?
  68. Are we meeting today?
  69. Have you finished your work?
  70. Who told you?
  71. What were you talking about?
  72. Have you ever been to Goa?
  73. What did you say?
  74. Shall I add some salt?
  75. How many siblings do you have?
  76. Do you like Maggie?
  77. Are you worried about result?
  78. Is it OK, if I come tomorrow?
  79. Have you got any change?
  80. Where are you from?
  81. Is everything OK with her?
  82. How much is this pen?
  83. Who is there outside?
  84. Are you busy?
  85. What is there for lunch?
  86. Is it ready?
  87. Are you coming?
  88. What are you doing?
  89. How are you feeling now?
  90. Why are you asking this?
  91. Whom to meat?
  92. Is she fond of eating?
  93. What happen? 
  94. Are you my friend?
  95. Do you have mind?
  96. What can I do for you?
  97. Are you Siya?
  98. What do you need?
  99. Why you want my address?
  100. Is it a holyday today?
  101. Where is the closest hotel?
  102. How about this?
  103. What was his name?
  104. Are they your friends?
  105. Why are you late?
  106. Is it yours?
  107. Was he at home today?
  108. How many chairs are there in that room?
  109. Are you happy with him?
  110. What's the matter?
  111. Can I have your mobile number?
  112. Are you ready for study?
  113. How is your new job?
  114. Can you please drop me at my home?
  115. Why did you leave the job?
  116. Do I know you?
  117. How long are you staying here?
  118. Who has taken my book?
  119. Can't you hear?
  120. How far is Delhi from here?
  121. Do you have a car?


  Channel name ðŸ‘‰            Online study (SKI)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Self introduction: How to introduce yourself in a effective way in English?

                    SELF - INTRODUCTION 

Short introduction:- 

Good morning sir/madam

                                        My name is Prishthi Desai. I am from Bikaner. I have completed degree from BHU. I am 24 year's old.  About my family consist of 4 members. My father, mother and sister. My father is business man, my mother is house wife. I am a student at DU. My favorite subject is English. I am a hardworking student.
Thank you. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The VERB "TO BE" (Past tense) Exercises

                                                         VERB "TO BE"

  1. My parents ....... here yesterday.
  2. Lions ......... animals.
  3. That school .......... very nice.
  4. Neither the leader nor his followers ........... arrested.
  5. I wish my father ...... alive.
  6. An apple ......... a fruit. 
  7. ....... he in England to see the coronation.
  8. Roses ....... beautiful flowers. 
  9. Grapes ........... good to eat. 
  10. If I ........ you, I would never accept it. 
  11. They ........ naughty boys. 
  12. She ......... very lucky.
  13. You ........... brilliant.
  14. The father and the son ....... here yesterday.
  15. Who ........ your uncle?
  16. .......... she sad now?
  17. I ...... not at home. 
  18. China ........... a good country. 
  19. What ...... your father's name?
  20. Dogs ........... loyal. 
  21. Amardeep ...... very good student. 
  22. Who ....... they?
  23. The Yamuna ..... a sacred river.
  24. He ....... brave. 
  25. Petrol ...... sold by the litter. 
  26. I ...... school students.
  27. You ........ a techer.
  28. ....... Ram your brother?
  29. Mohan and his friend .......... travelling togather.
  30. Her future ......... bright.
  31. This class ........ very boring. 
  32. How ......... she?
  33. I and my friend ........ injured. 
  34. Why ........ we late?
  35. The baby ........ tired.
  36. She ..... fat.
  37. Which pen ........ red?
  38. The dress ...... dirty. 
  39. He ........ sick.
  40. It ....... a fast car.
  41. We ........ wet.
  42. When ....... our function?
  43. Every man, woman and child ....... glad.
  44. You ........ friend.
  45. The mansi ....... happy. 
  46. The teachers .............. angry.
  47. Her face ....... not horrible. 
  48. ........ she short?
  49. What ......... his problem? 
  50. ........... vinayak your teacher?
  51. .......... they player?
  52. Every boat and every sailor .......... lost in the strom.
  53. .......... aditi a good student?
  54. ....... this your mobile?
  55. Who ........ manmohan?
  56. Neither he nor I ........ there.
  57. .......... the payers in the ground?
  58. What ........... capital of India?
  59. English ....... very easy language.
  60. ......... he angry with him? 
  61. ........ siya mad?
  62. Neither food nor water .......... available there.
  63. Roshani ........ your house maid.
  64. Many boys ......... peresent last day.
  65. Everyone ....... good at home.
  66. No boy or girl .......... present on the field. 
  67. Someone ......... there.
  68. Math ........ very difficult subject.
  69. These glasses ........... dirty.
  70. Her shoes ....... lost.
  71. Nobody ...... in the class.
  72. My pants ...... new.
  73. Our scissors ....... small.
  74. Everybody ........ not good in the class.
  75. Whose chair ........ this? 
  76. I ....... hungry.
  77. You ......... angry. 
  78. ......... we wrong?
  79. .......... he sad?
  80. Neither the teacher nor his students ......... present there.
  81. Whose papers ............ those? 
  82. Riya nor his friends ........ invited.
  83. Her hobbies ...... playing, eating, walking etc.
  84. Rahul ...... not smaller than Siddhant.
  85. There ...... a train at 10pm. 
  86. Each boy and girl ........ given a prize.
  87. There ...... ten girls in the hall. 
  88. Both of them ......... bad.
  89. His writing ............ not good.
  90. Each man and woman ......... ashamed of the incident. 
  91. She ........ not in Shahdol.
  92. Nobody ...... absent today.
  93. We ........ his best friend. 
  94. Her friends ....... Atul, manas, shashi and Priya.
  95. Neither tree nor bush ......... there. 
  96. The water ........ not fresh. 
  97. She ......... ambitious. 
  98. No man or woman ....... found there. 
  99. Aditi and Pinky .......... best friend.
  100. Where ....... you?
  101. My name .......... Priyali. 
  102. This question ......... very important.
  103. ......... Shyam mad?
  104. My daughter .......... a teacher.
  105. You ....... broker.
  106. Neither the commander nor his soldiers ................ hurt in the action. 
  107. A dozen ......... injured. 
  108. A score ......... saved. 
  109. Mr. Mohan ....... a poet. 
  110. It ........ was new. 
  111. You ......... greedy.


  Channel name 👉            Online study (SKI)

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Verb "to be" (PRESENT TENSE) exercises

                 Verb "TO BE"

  1. Dogs ......... barking.
  2. Her scissors ....... blunt.
  3. A potato ..... a vegetable.
  4. Roses ....... beautiful flowers. 
  5. Flowers .......... blooming. 
  6. Ants ....... insects.
  7. This house ...... very nice. 
  8. ....... you mad?
  9. Bananas ....... good to eat. 
  10. They ...... naughty boys. 
  11. He ...... very lucky.
  12. They ........... poor.
  13. Nobody ........ there.
  14. All the students ..... present today. 
  15. She ....... very funny.
  16. They ........  brillient.
  17. Who ....... your best friend?
  18. What ....... your father's name?
  19. Manas ........ in the class.
  20. Who ....... they?
  21. His teeth ........ dirty.
  22. Everyone ........ fine at home.
  23. ....... I your friend? 
  24. ........ you happy now?
  25. They ... not at home. 
  26. India .... a good couontry.
  27. Dogs ......... loyal.
  28. Sachin ...... very good player.
  29. Our trousers ........ dirty.
  30. Where ........ all these men going?
  31. The Ganga ..... a sacred river.
  32. Petrol ..... sold by the liter. 
  33. His future ....... bright. 
  34. The Taj mahal ........ in Agra. 
  35. Mansi ...... there.
  36. When ........ your birthday?
  37. ...... he tall?
  38. Whose books ...... these?
  39. Siddhant ...... present today?
  40. Many boys ....... not here?
  41. Anushka ..... fine at home.
  42. All his sheep ........ grazing in the field. 
  43. Politics ....... not an easy game.
  44. Do you know this gentleman ......... ?
  45. My parents ...... here today.
  46. The great poet and scholar ....... dead. 
  47. The great warrior and patriot .......... being honoured. 
  48. Hari and Ram ..... close friend. 
  49. A man and his wife ......... standing at the door. 
  50. What ..... the time by your watch?
  51. What ........ your qualification?
  52. Who ....... Kalidas?
  53. ....... the stusents in the class?
  54. The noted actor and musician .......... giving a demonstration. 
  55. English ....... very easy language.
  56. ..... you happy with me?
  57. ...... they mad?
  58. Amardeep ...... my friend?
  59. Aditi ....... happy. 
  60. The cattle ....... grazing. 
  61. Everybody ......... sad.
  62. ...... she your sister?
  63. My guide and guardian .......... here today. 
  64. These shoes ......... dirty.
  65. His glasses ......... lost.
  66. The tongs .......... missing.
  67. My pants ......... new.
  68. Those scissors ....... small.
  69. ...... pratham wrong?
  70. My hobbies ....... playing, dancing etc.
  71. Akshat ....... not taller than me.
  72. The chairman and director ........ going to preside over the meeting. 
  73. There ...... a bus at 10am.
  74. There ........ ten girls in the class. 
  75. Both of them ...... good.
  76. Each day and every hour ......... important.
  77. Shivangi ....... not in Delhi.
  78. Your writing ....... not bad.
  79. The water ....... dirty.
  80. Where ......... smriti?
  81. Where ........ kunal? 
  82. My name .......... shreyanshi.
  83. His name .......... vinayak.
  84. The people ....... satisfied. 
  85. This question ......... useless. 
  86. My father ....... a doctor. 
  87. ........ you a teacher.
  88. John and Mohan .......... classmates. 
  89. What ...... the capital of India?
  90. Eggs ..... sold by the dozen? 
  91. Ram or his classmates .......... expected to come. 
  92. Cloth ....... sold by the meter?
  93. His face ....... very horrible?
  94. Pen and ink ........ my first requirement.
  95. Either you or I ....... correct. 
  96. Milk and honey ....... a rich tonic.
  97. Truth and honesty ......... the best policy for success in business.
  98. Where ...... your spectacles?
  99. The commission ....... divided in their opition on this issuse. 
  100. Neither he nor you ....... to blame.
  101. The mob ......... always fickle- minded.
  102. He and I ..... going. 
  103. You and he .......  well known here. 
  104. The jury ....... divided on this issue. 
  105. Neither he nor you .......... expeted there.

              Online study (SKI)

Article (a,an,the,no article) Exercise with Answersheet

                              ARTICLES   He is ........ university professor. The workers have formed ...... union. Here is ......... egg. H...